Featured Products
African Blackwood Drones
African Blackwood drones with stainless steel rings and imitation ivory mounts
African Blackwood and Ironwood Drones
African Blackwood Drones with Rose Wood Mounts
African Blackwood Drones with Rose Wood Mounts, imitation silver rings and caps.
African Blackwood and Ironwood Drones
Blow Sticks
A wide range of blow sticks are available in a range of sizes and designs.
Blow Sticks
Ezee Drone Reeds
Ezee Drone Reeds
Pipe Chanter Reeds
Pipe Chanter Reeds made by Shepherd Reeds
Practice Chanters
Wood or Plastic practice chanters
Pipe Boxes
Hard and soft pipes boxes available
Leather Pipe Bags
Leather pipe bags available in small, medium and large
Pipe Chanter Reeds
Practice Chanters
Pipe Boxes
Leather and Synthetic Pipe Bags
Drone and Stock Dryers/Cleaners
Tenor Drum Sticks
Practice Chanter Reed Moisture Control
Music Tuition
We offer lessons for chanter and bagpipes
Lessons are available for complete beginners all the way to advanced players. Dunvegan Bagpipes is one of the few places in South Africa which offers piobaireachd lessons
About Dunvegan Bagpipes
In 1976 Dunvegan Pipes and Tartans started out in the Apartheid era as a Bagpipe teaching school, in order to keep Scottish tradition and music alive during those difficult days. This was the brainchild of Pipe Major C. R. Mulinder who at one stage ran the Transvaal Scottish, and then the South African Irish Pipe Band. He also holds the RSPBA’s advanced certificate, and the College of Piping’s senior bagpipe teacher’s certificate.Once the establishment got into fill swing the pressure of the times changed the situation from teaching bagpipes full time, to also incorporate the supply of bagpipes, and the Scottish equipment that went with it. This led to the changing of the shop name to Dunvegan Pipes and Tartans. (Dunvegan was the home on the Isle of Skye to the famous MacCrimmon piping family). To this day we still teach bagpipes and supply the Scottish fraternity to the best of our ability, in the concerted effort to keep a precious heritage alive
Over the years we have gathered a wealth of knowledge and expertise that’s incomparable and has made us the leading manufacturer of bagpipes in South Africa.
In 2019 we changed from Dunvegan Pipes and Tartans to Dunvegan Bagpipes so we could focus on our vision to be the best, and most reasonably priced one stop bagpipe and pipe band accessory shop.